As a church, we want to follow the example of Jesus in reaching out to our world. Sharing the good news of the gospel and meeting people’s needs through practical care are ways that we reach our city and beyond.

Jesus Cares
Jesus Cares works within some of the most deprived communities in South Wales to provide practical support to families who are struggling. We prepare and deliver food hampers, nappies, toiletires and other essential items each week to local partner organisations – these are then given to those in need.
Outreach Team
The passion of our street team is to be a shining light in the darkness and to bring hope into people’s lives. On a weekly basis they go out into a number of areas across the City to share with people about Jesus.
Prison Team
A dedicated group of people from our church take the Gospel into prisons, holding services for inmates regularly on Sundays throughout the year.
Other Ministries
We partner with other Christian ministries who work nationally and internationally to reach people with the message of Jesus and practical care. These include The Gideons, Vision Rescue and His Church Charity.