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Operation Christmas Child

Together we can make a difference!


We can put a smile on a child's face this Christmas - as we partner with Samaritans Purse in 'Operation Christmas Child' and make a difference globally.



We can sow seeds of hope

We can sow seeds of the gospel

We can sow prayer

We can show love 

We can be a neighbour to a person on the other side of the world



Let's spread the love of Jesus to children living in third world countries - showing them that they are not forgotten! Many of these children will also be given the opportunity to find out more about Jesus through a programme called 'The Greatest Journey'.

What is it all about?


Packing shoe boxes filled with toys for children which will be sent to children around the world who live in poverty - showing them that they are not forgotten. Many of these children will also be given the opportunity to find out more about Jesus through a programme called 'The Greatest Journey'.


How do I pack a shoe box?


There are 3 great options!


1. Make a shoebox filled with goodies.


Buy your own gifts to put inside a shoebox. 

All you need to know about what to do and include can be found on the Operation Christmas Child website by clicking below.






2. Make a shoebox ONLINE!


Create a tailormade shoebox ONLINE filled with fantastic goodies by clicking below.






3. Bring in INDIVIDUAL items that can be packed in a shoebox


Simply buy a gift, bring it in to church and we make sure it gets packed in a shoebox. 





When does it need to be completed by? 


Shoeboxes will be collected from the 11th - 18th November.

You can drop your boxes at King's Church or 'The Entertainer' OR you can build your box ONLINE by this date.



Who can get involved?


Anybody and everybody! Why not share this with your friends, family and work colleagues! Let’s all get involved and help pack a box for a child this Christmas!


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